Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What was I doing again?

That is the question in my mind as I stand up from my desk and take from the box of pastries... my 3rd deep fried samosa.

There is a little dude inside of me on this dieting and weight loss mission totally getting his ass kicked by the fun\taste addicted machine of a human within.
I think I've missed 2 weeks at the gym too! You notice that I use the words "I think" as well....that's because I've been getting so wasted so often that I really don't know how long it has been!

If it weren't for this blog here I could have easily slipped back into my beers after work routine...now I realize after just typing that I am meeting my friend at the pub for beers. Shit! I mean...it's been all good and fun but what the hell have I been doing the last couple weeks???

There is only so much I can blame on "the munchies"...but I MUST say, smoking ganja and dieting really does not mix at all. I knew I should have taken the hint when my maids said to me they knew when I was high because they noticed me going to the fridge more often. Like, I tried to buy lots of healthy snacks...but really in the end, it's still snacking anyways....combined with laziness.
I mean, in the wild...eating a lot and resting as much as possible is the main activity of every single mammal. We humans are not mere mammals...or are we? By slipping into Eat\Sleep mode...sure I'm living a great comfortable life...there are millions of people in the world who are unable to Eat\Sleep all day, and I am blessed...but at the same time I am a total waster.

Right now I've wasted 3kg and 6 weeks...sitting at 93 now...I want to be as low as possible before Formula 1 in Singapore - skinnier people sweat less, and trust me, Singapore can get pretty hot and humid.

I might try some shit like....working out twice a day, riding my bike on the weekend...I dunno. I'm just a bit appaled by the slackness which has come over me lately. Just thought I'd share that with you all. Part of me feels like coming up with more excuses for why I slacked off, but really in the end, that's all they are...excuses. They are meaningless if I don't get back on track.