Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First Post - Introduction

I thought that if I was going to do this, I would like to share how I actually did it.

My goal is to lose 20kg of fat from my body by myself, with no hired help from Personal Trainers, Nutritionists, Dieticians, or Doctors; I am going to do this all by myself.

I am approx 101.7kg (175cm tall) at the time of starting this blog. I know it's not morbidly obese, but fat enough to not be able to fit into the clothes I'd like to wear, fat enough to stem a few male pregnancy jokes and fat enough to make budget airline seats slightly uncomfortable.

Being fat does have it's advantages at times...take water slides for example: Fat guys on water slides = insanely fast speed. You simply haven't gone down a water slide properly until you have shared a tube with a fat guy. Also in 3rd world countries, being fat is a sign of wealth and prosperity - a lot of the time it's the biggest fattest guy who gets the most attention from female suitors.

Though it's okay for me to be a bit chubby I feel that I am through with my time being fat; approaching the age of 27 I should do what I can to get into shape before father time takes it's toll on my body making this task harder as I get older.

Throughout the course of this blog I will post regular and irregular updates outlining my weight loss methods spanning such topics as Workouts, Diet\Nutrition and Technology's role in assisting with my goal.

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