Sunday, February 22, 2009

A time for Anger

After struggling for several days in a row failing to get out of bed I think I have finally figured out something that works.

Getting Angry!

angry hulk

Anger is one of the fastest occurring emotions in the human spectrum. Reminds me of the bumper sticker "I go from zero to Bitch in 3.5seconds!!"(I know some people I think it goes even faster!) Hahaha!
In the morning when I get out of bed I start turning on the Anger....Angry at my alarm clock sound...Angry at myself for setting the alarm so freakin early...Angry because I have to put on my contact lenses and my eyes can barely open...Angry Angry Angry!!!!!

It really works! You won't turn huge and green but when you become angry your heart rate, blood pressure and adrenaline levels increase. This increased levels of bodily activity really helps you come out of your sleep and lazy temptation to go back to bed.

It totally worked for me this morning and during my workout I also managed to push an extra 10mins longer in the pool. It is common knowledge that exercise is a good way to relieve really, no matter at the things I get angry at in the morning - I will have a great time working off the extra energy in the gym or pool.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Playing a Game...trying not to lose

I spent the first 10 days of my mission messing around....kind of like the intro sequence of Halo. You know, the bit where you first get handed a gun and if you wanted to you could spend hours shooting and beating up invincible marines as you and your co-op partner race to see who can assassinate the admiral first...hahahaha.
It's a total waste of time which has zero progression to the main storyline. Just the way I blew those first 10 days.

I often think of myself as an living in an RPG (Role Playing Game), especially now with this monitor hooked up to my arm. The calorie counter bar looks strikingly similar to the EXP bar in many RPG games. The calories I have been counting and inputting on my watch every day are kind of like reverse experience points though. The less that I enter during the day, the more I can power up! Of course my overall level is my weight in Kilograms (which tipped under 100 for the first time in ages woohoo!) rules applied of course.

My main quests include shopping for vegetables, signing up for a new gym membership, designing new workouts...and side quests would be repairing the grip tape on my scooter, degreasing my bicycle, or buying a new set of swim goggles.
Cheat codes...that would be hmmm...hiring a personal trainer, liposuction?? I'm never one to cheat at video games but if I do find a superior tactic which is within the rules of the game I would totally spam it.

Lately I have been stuck fighting one of the re-occuring rare enemies- the Early Morning Wakeup. This is a dreadful beast which strikes me just around 5:55am. I think it has sneak ability, because I can just never see it coming! Usually it hits me as soon as I wake up and BOOM I get KOed and stay in bed and skip my morning workout. If I could just find a way to autocast a helpful spell when it starts attacking me...I think I will have a chance to continue on through the rest of this dungeon =)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Diet

I just made it through my first diet breakfast. 1 poached egg on kraftkorn toast, a massive fuji apple and a can of V8. The apple actually made it a lot more filling than I expected and this turned out quite good....though I suck at poaching eggs.

Snacking between meals, I have a Banana and my yummy David sunflower seeds. Seeds are great unprocessed whole foods and are a good source of the healthy polyunsaturated fats needed for a balanced diet. This should tide me over to my fruit salad lunch.

For dinner....I have instant Pho style noodle soup. Which is basically a salted flavour packet (minus the oil packet), some rice noodles, and random veggies thrown in the mix. I tend to change the flavour up by switching between celery, kangkung, bok choy and chinese cabbage. Also switching the texture by using angel hair style rice noodles vs flat kweitiau style noodles. Also for a bit of protein I add a serving of fish balls.

I find this dinner to be extremely healthy as 1. It contains little fat, 2. High in fibre from the veggies, 3. High in water (as often it is hard to get those 8 glasses a day in right?)

As you can imagine this can get pretty damn bland on a daily I will break this up by occasionally going out to a sushi place for dinner. Strictly ordering rolls that don't contain tempura prawn or fried chicken. Usually opting to get a fill of salmon...mmmm Omega 3...

And most important of all....if anything starts tasting too bland - just add some chili!! Poached Egg on toast....with chili! Fruit salad....with chili! Noodle Soup...with chili!! Chili is my saviour, and supposedly can help increase your metabolism and lead to better calorie burning...but really I am sure this is due to the sweating and constant breathing in and out "sssssssss ahhhh sssssssssss ahhhh" performed by most chili lovers during consumption.