Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What was I doing again?

That is the question in my mind as I stand up from my desk and take from the box of pastries... my 3rd deep fried samosa.

There is a little dude inside of me on this dieting and weight loss mission totally getting his ass kicked by the fun\taste addicted machine of a human within.
I think I've missed 2 weeks at the gym too! You notice that I use the words "I think" as well....that's because I've been getting so wasted so often that I really don't know how long it has been!

If it weren't for this blog here I could have easily slipped back into my beers after work routine...now I realize after just typing that I am meeting my friend at the pub for beers. Shit! I mean...it's been all good and fun but what the hell have I been doing the last couple weeks???

There is only so much I can blame on "the munchies"...but I MUST say, smoking ganja and dieting really does not mix at all. I knew I should have taken the hint when my maids said to me they knew when I was high because they noticed me going to the fridge more often. Like, I tried to buy lots of healthy snacks...but really in the end, it's still snacking anyways....combined with laziness.
I mean, in the wild...eating a lot and resting as much as possible is the main activity of every single mammal. We humans are not mere mammals...or are we? By slipping into Eat\Sleep mode...sure I'm living a great comfortable life...there are millions of people in the world who are unable to Eat\Sleep all day, and I am blessed...but at the same time I am a total waster.

Right now I've wasted 3kg and 6 weeks...sitting at 93 now...I want to be as low as possible before Formula 1 in Singapore - skinnier people sweat less, and trust me, Singapore can get pretty hot and humid.

I might try some shit like....working out twice a day, riding my bike on the weekend...I dunno. I'm just a bit appaled by the slackness which has come over me lately. Just thought I'd share that with you all. Part of me feels like coming up with more excuses for why I slacked off, but really in the end, that's all they are...excuses. They are meaningless if I don't get back on track.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

OMFG -5kg in one month!

OMFG - the reaction I have been getting looking in the mirror lately and also from friends and work buddies.

I've been away lately - stuck on a boat in the Natuna sea to be exact. Not exactly the ideal place to diet and exercise at all. Last time I was on the boat last year I put on about 6kg in 2 months, so I was pretty worried what would happen this time.

The first thing I did was buy an exercise bike before I left and put it on the top deck of the boat. It was a good investment for sure though I'm going to try to find a way to claim it as a work expense hehehe. I found a pretty simple one, it was about $200 and had 8 levels of resistance, fully adjustable seat and even an RPM and calorie counter with the timer.

The second thing I did was pull aside the boat's chef and have a chat to him. Normally he cooks the awesomest fried food and stirfrys but I explained to him about my diet. It was pretty hard to explain at first because the chef is Balinese and his Indonesian isn't that very good though it is better than mine. After a few meals of leaving my steak on the plate yet finishing all of my salad he started to understand.

I basically ate salad for lunch and dinner every single night for about 30 days. Often I would take a small piece of steamed fish or grilled chicken and mix it with my salad. Instead of using olive oil or fatty creamy dressings, I would take a bit of the sauce used in some of the other dishes he was cooking where it be squid pasta or stewed vegetables. For dinner I would have a small cup of soup for an appetiser, just because it was so good. I avoided all rice as much as possible until we started running out of salad.

Working out on the exercise bike in the mornings was so awesome. I'd get up to the top deck of the boat just after the sun rose and sky was changing colors, then just listen to some music and watch the ocean current and waves. Once I saw a pod of dolphins swimming by with the light pink sky in the background, pedaling away listening to a DJ Hype mix. It took me 20 mins to warm up sometimes so early in the mornings but I was able to bust out 450-500 calories of exercise within the half an hour I allocated. I wanted to go every day but sometimes I felt sick or my workout clothes were in the laundry...I guess I averaged 5 days out of every week.

On the boat I had no access to scales, and even if I had scales it would be hard to get a good reading with the motion of the boat going on...so while away I had no idea what I weighed or if I was losing. I knew I must have lost a bit because my size 36 shorts were feeling exceptionally loose, without a belt they were practically falling down and sagging around my butt.

I knew I had lost a lost but wasn't sure how much as I only weigh myself in the mornings, my girlfriend kept telling me that I felt different when she hugged me....so in the morning I checked on my digital scales and BOOM!! 5-6kg less than what I weighed before I left. I weighed 89.8kg, and the difference was so much that it confused the programming with water% and fat% sensors and the smart scales couldn't detect who I was.

I am pretty happy about it, been wearing my clothes with more confidence as they actually fit me properly now. I feel quite good and ready to push through even further =)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fresh Salsa


In my quest to discover, taste and create the tastiest and healthiest food and snacks possible - I have discovered Fresh Salsa.

I first thought of this after looking at the back of a jar of Pace Chunky Salsa. I noticed that the salsa had a very low calorie and fat count compared to the portion size yet tasted very good and was full of flavour.

I thought to my self...If I make this myself, I bet it can taste better and be even more healthier (less salt and additives).

After a few bits of experimentation this is what I came up with:

2 Tomatoes
1 Small Capsicum
1 Average Sized Onion
Few Sprigs of Coriander
Small amount of Parsley
2-4 Long skinny red chilies
1 fat red chili
1 fat green chili
2 Limes

Large Mixing Bowl
Serated Slicing Knife for slicing tomato and capsicum
Chopping Chef's Knife (or cleaver) for dicing
2 Jars for Storage

1. Quarter the Limes and squeeze the juice into the mixing bowl. Fish the seeds out afterwards with a fork.
2. De-seed the Capsicum and dice. Dice the Onion, Tomato and add to the bowl.
3. Finely chop the coriander, parsley, and chilies and add to the bowl. Add more long skinny chilies if you want more heat.
4. Sprinkle salt over the top (not too much)
5. Stir and taste test, add more salt to taste
6. Spoon into jars for storage and keep refrigerated.

I sometimes change the onion, like, add 1/2 brown onion and 1/2 red onion.

Now that you have your salsa - how to use it to make healthy meals. This is what I do with mine:

Breakfast - Poached Egg on Toast, Couple spoonfuls of fresh Salsa on the top.

Lunch - Sandwich, Toasted kraftkorn bread slices with a layer of Salsa, topped with a slice of Turkey Breast, slice of lowfat cheese, and mustard.

Dinner - As an appetizer, Bruchetta style, topped on toasted french bread. As a main, topped on a filet of baked Salmon.

Snack - With corn chips yummmm or flatbread\Pita bread would be great also.

Please post comment if you can think of or have tried anything else =)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

-5kg Milestone

I was meant to write this last week but it was a pretty busy week...

I have successfully lost 5kg from my body!! I weigh around 96kg now and it is a noticable amount of loss compared to 2 months ago when I was 101kg.

I was looking at myself in a mirror in an elevator and I could actually see a difference. I was wearing a shirt I havent worn in several weeks and could see that I looked different in it. Mostly in my abdomen and my face the difference in noticeable.

It is a good boost to motivation, more than good, it is hard proof that what I am doing is working and that I am making progress.

Although this a loss of 5kg in 2 months is not as fast as I have done in the past, I think that I did it at a reasonable pace.

You see, I found it was important to keep living life rather than stop all fun and socializing just to focus on my weight loss. Although the results can be good (-1kg per week) That is a bit selfish right? So rather than knuckle down and decline all dinner party invites and other party invites to stick to a strict diet, I chose to occasionally celebrate with friends and break out of the diet rules here and there. A dieting quote I heard being thrown around goes "you can still get 90% of the results if you cheat only 10% of the time"

In the last 2 months in addition to losing the weight, I went out to 3x 5-Star hotel buffet dinners, 1x 5-Star hotel lunch buffet...2 birthday parties (lots of drinking!), 3 long weekend trips out of town with friends (eating and drinking!!), and a few nights out with good friends.

So in the end, I am still able to have a satisfying social life and continue to lose weight on my own =).

I am happy with the result so far considering that my life did not take a huge nosedive into becoming a veggie munching hermit with a gym machine and water bottle as my only friends.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Audience Effect

Today I had a pretty crappy and unmotivated workout session.

I was struggling to complete lap sets in the pool. Each time I stopped at the wall for a short interval breather, I thought about quitting and just having a relaxing swim for the rest of the early morning.

There was no one watching me, I could quit and no one would be there to accuse me of being a quitter! I began to think in my mind just before my hardest set how easy it would be just to stop and relax then. I was ready just to sit in front of a water jet or float around near the waterfall and watch the sun rise.

But then someone else came to the pool! It was another member at the fitness club - I immediately recognized her as this annoying old lady who sometimes steals the machines that I want to use in the gym. Arrrg you aren't going to steal my lane at the pool now!

Straight away I felt a rush and I pushed off the wall to start my 10x Sprint Laps. I felt energy, and a need to sort of show off to her. Wow! What a completely different change in heart...from being alone and struggling versus having someone there watching you and feeling energetic. Is this the human propensity for competition?

I reflected back to my early swimming days and recalled a pretty girl I was madly in love with on the swim team. Sometimes she would swim 5 or 10 seconds in front of me and I would push myself harder to catch up to her so we could share an underwater smile at the flip turn wall as she allowed me to pass.

Thinking about this more, I realized that most of the times I was able to train hard has been when there are other people watching. Like football players at after school practice, with their cheerleader girlfriends watching them....or all the times my mom followed me to a bicycle race or swim meet. I was able to perform better with an audience.

I guess this can even apply to life - like the way Christians believe God is watching them all the time. They tend to be better people and live a better life. God is their audience, and they live to impress God.

Although my end goal is to impress myself with the weight loss...this is a conflict of interest when myself wants to relax instead of work out. This makes my goal in losing 20kg by myself a little bit harder...as I will not be hiring a coach or trainer to watch me and be my audience. Perhaps I can find some sort of community club, or go somewhere with more people around and use this feeling to motivate myself to work even harder and not slack off =)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A time for Anger

After struggling for several days in a row failing to get out of bed I think I have finally figured out something that works.

Getting Angry!

angry hulk

Anger is one of the fastest occurring emotions in the human spectrum. Reminds me of the bumper sticker "I go from zero to Bitch in 3.5seconds!!"(I know some people I think it goes even faster!) Hahaha!
In the morning when I get out of bed I start turning on the Anger....Angry at my alarm clock sound...Angry at myself for setting the alarm so freakin early...Angry because I have to put on my contact lenses and my eyes can barely open...Angry Angry Angry!!!!!

It really works! You won't turn huge and green but when you become angry your heart rate, blood pressure and adrenaline levels increase. This increased levels of bodily activity really helps you come out of your sleep and lazy temptation to go back to bed.

It totally worked for me this morning and during my workout I also managed to push an extra 10mins longer in the pool. It is common knowledge that exercise is a good way to relieve stress...so really, no matter at the things I get angry at in the morning - I will have a great time working off the extra energy in the gym or pool.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Playing a Game...trying not to lose

I spent the first 10 days of my mission messing around....kind of like the intro sequence of Halo. You know, the bit where you first get handed a gun and if you wanted to you could spend hours shooting and beating up invincible marines as you and your co-op partner race to see who can assassinate the admiral first...hahahaha.
It's a total waste of time which has zero progression to the main storyline. Just the way I blew those first 10 days.

I often think of myself as an living in an RPG (Role Playing Game), especially now with this monitor hooked up to my arm. The calorie counter bar looks strikingly similar to the EXP bar in many RPG games. The calories I have been counting and inputting on my watch every day are kind of like reverse experience points though. The less that I enter during the day, the more I can power up! Of course my overall level is my weight in Kilograms (which tipped under 100 for the first time in ages woohoo!)...golf rules applied of course.

My main quests include shopping for vegetables, signing up for a new gym membership, designing new workouts...and side quests would be repairing the grip tape on my scooter, degreasing my bicycle, or buying a new set of swim goggles.
Cheat codes...that would be hmmm...hiring a personal trainer, liposuction?? I'm never one to cheat at video games but if I do find a superior tactic which is within the rules of the game I would totally spam it.

Lately I have been stuck fighting one of the re-occuring rare enemies- the Early Morning Wakeup. This is a dreadful beast which strikes me just around 5:55am. I think it has sneak ability, because I can just never see it coming! Usually it hits me as soon as I wake up and BOOM I get KOed and stay in bed and skip my morning workout. If I could just find a way to autocast a helpful spell when it starts attacking me...I think I will have a chance to continue on through the rest of this dungeon =)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Diet

I just made it through my first diet breakfast. 1 poached egg on kraftkorn toast, a massive fuji apple and a can of V8. The apple actually made it a lot more filling than I expected and this turned out quite good....though I suck at poaching eggs.

Snacking between meals, I have a Banana and my yummy David sunflower seeds. Seeds are great unprocessed whole foods and are a good source of the healthy polyunsaturated fats needed for a balanced diet. This should tide me over to my fruit salad lunch.

For dinner....I have instant Pho style noodle soup. Which is basically a salted flavour packet (minus the oil packet), some rice noodles, and random veggies thrown in the mix. I tend to change the flavour up by switching between celery, kangkung, bok choy and chinese cabbage. Also switching the texture by using angel hair style rice noodles vs flat kweitiau style noodles. Also for a bit of protein I add a serving of fish balls.

I find this dinner to be extremely healthy as 1. It contains little fat, 2. High in fibre from the veggies, 3. High in water (as often it is hard to get those 8 glasses a day in right?)

As you can imagine this can get pretty damn bland on a daily basis...so I will break this up by occasionally going out to a sushi place for dinner. Strictly ordering rolls that don't contain tempura prawn or fried chicken. Usually opting to get a fill of salmon...mmmm Omega 3...

And most important of all....if anything starts tasting too bland - just add some chili!! Poached Egg on toast....with chili! Fruit salad....with chili! Noodle Soup...with chili!! Chili is my saviour, and supposedly can help increase your metabolism and lead to better calorie burning...but really I am sure this is due to the sweating and constant breathing in and out "sssssssss ahhhh sssssssssss ahhhh" performed by most chili lovers during consumption.

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Technology

Fitness technology has come a long way since the dawn of the digital waterproof watch.
I have always been technically inclined and jumped at the opportunity to bring technology into my gym workouts.

It's been a long known fact that professional athletes and those serious about sport and training do so with the aid of a heart rate monitor. I researched a lot of the available models out there and have found this neat little model called the Polar WM41.

Polar WM41

What makes the WM41 better than your standard heart rate monitor are it's Weight Management functions. It can track your weight, food\calorie intake and even the number of calories you burn in your workouts. It even plans your diet according to your weight loss targets and automatically adjusts itself based on your performance. All of this on top of the regular heart rate monitor functions like training zones and alarms.

In addition to my WM41, I'm going to be using GymTechnik. GymTechnik is an application interface that runs on my Blackberry Bold 9000. It is designed to be a sort of digital personal trainer which keeps track of the exercises and workouts I have scheduled and performed, as well as the weights used and frequency of the workouts.

Mobile Fitness Tracking  Gym Technik

It has handy stuff like images showing you the specific workouts you should be doing as well as functions to record and graph your weight and fat loss over a period of time.

I'm still pretty new to using this application but will soon break into some of the more advanced functions like customized exercise design; for now I'll just be sticking to the pre-programmed workouts.

Probably the most basic yet important pieces of technology I am using is a Soehnle digital bathroom scale.


This tool gives me my Weight, Body Fat %, Water % and Muscle % all in a quick 10 second reading of my bare feet. This helps as I can maintain a healthy level of hydration as well as not getting freaked out by muscle gains being mistaken for fat gains. I will be using these scales throughout my mission, accurately recording my progress toward losing 20kg.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First Post - Introduction

I thought that if I was going to do this, I would like to share how I actually did it.

My goal is to lose 20kg of fat from my body by myself, with no hired help from Personal Trainers, Nutritionists, Dieticians, or Doctors; I am going to do this all by myself.

I am approx 101.7kg (175cm tall) at the time of starting this blog. I know it's not morbidly obese, but fat enough to not be able to fit into the clothes I'd like to wear, fat enough to stem a few male pregnancy jokes and fat enough to make budget airline seats slightly uncomfortable.

Being fat does have it's advantages at times...take water slides for example: Fat guys on water slides = insanely fast speed. You simply haven't gone down a water slide properly until you have shared a tube with a fat guy. Also in 3rd world countries, being fat is a sign of wealth and prosperity - a lot of the time it's the biggest fattest guy who gets the most attention from female suitors.

Though it's okay for me to be a bit chubby I feel that I am through with my time being fat; approaching the age of 27 I should do what I can to get into shape before father time takes it's toll on my body making this task harder as I get older.

Throughout the course of this blog I will post regular and irregular updates outlining my weight loss methods spanning such topics as Workouts, Diet\Nutrition and Technology's role in assisting with my goal.